Fans paying tribute to Frank Whitten at Auckland Museum

Friday 18 February 2011, 8:08AM

By Auckland Museum



A condolence book placed at Auckland Museum to remember the actor Frank Whitten is attracting heartfelt fan tributes.

Auckland Museum was saddened to hear the news of Frank Whitten’s death over the weekend and placed a condolence book in its atrium on Monday afternoon.

Outrageous Fortune is currently the subject of a major exhibition at the Museum and it is evident that Grandpa’s character, played by Frank, was a linch-pin role and one that the fans adore, says exhibitions manager Amanda White.

“His incredible performance as Grandpa – irascible, flawed but somehow deeply appealing – typifies the best of Outrageous Fortune and what made its characters so well-loved."

The condolence book will be given to Frank Whitten's family.