Gay film night auction raises money for Christchurch

Saturday 12 March 2011, 10:25AM

By Number 8 Films



A pair of independent Auckland film-makers are auctioning off a season ticket to their monthly gay film screenings on Trade Me to raise money for Christchurch earthquake relief.

Christopher Banks and Andy Jalfon of charitable film-making trust Number 8 Films saw the popularity of their monthly event, which has been running since September last year, as an opportunity to make a small contribution to the massive efforts underway to rebuild the shattered city.

“We have family, friends and colleagues in Christchurch, and with New Zealand being such a small country, everyone has been touched by this disaster in some way,” says Christopher Banks, creative director at Number 8 Films. “We’re a small operation at Number 8 Films but we wanted to find some way as an organization of contributing to fundraising efforts at this difficult time.”

The monthly gay film nights hosted by Number 8 Films are held at Galatos in Newton. They are sponsored by a number of generous community organizations and businesses, including the GABA Charitable Trust, Get It On!, Urge Bar, Caluzzi, Lateshift and gay media partners Express and

“The season ticket is valued at $175, but we’re hoping people will pitch in a bit more on the auction as 100% of the proceeds we receive from it will be going to the Red Cross,” says Andy Jalfon, head of production at Number 8 Films. “Make a bid for yourself, or even better, get it as a gift for one of your Christchurch friends who’s had to relocate up to Auckland after the earthquake.”

The Trade Me auction closes at 8pm on Monday March 21. The link to the auction is here:

More information on the work of Number 8 Films and their monthly film night events can be found at their website: