Pakuranga athletes take first at fun run

Monday 14 March 2011, 8:02AM

By Ports of Auckland Round the Bays



Athletes from the Pakuranga Athletics Club took first male and first female places at the Ports of Auckland Round the Bays.

Athletes, novices, colleagues, families and friends of all ages gathered together this morning for New Zealand’s largest fun run, the 39th annual Ports of Auckland Round the Bays 2011.

As Auckland Mayor Len Brown fired the starter gun at 9.30am, an estimated 70,000 walkers, runners and wheelchair athletes surged forward on their 8.4km journey from Quay Street to St Heliers Bay.

First to cross the finish line in 26 minutes and 19 seconds was Scott Winton (37), a marathon runner who belongs to the Pakuranga Athletics Club.

Scott led the throng of runners for almost the entire course.

“I love running Tamaki Drive,” says Scott, who runs the route often as part of his marathon training. “To do it without the traffic and the support of the crowds was an amazing experience."

Coming in a close second was Jono Jackson (20), who completed the distance in 26 minutes and 39 seconds (Jono also placed second in the 2010 event).

The first woman across the line in 34 minutes, 17 seconds was Rachel Penney, a triathlete also of the Pakuranga Athletics Club.

“This is a great training distance run for me,” says Rachel. “It was really hot but the slight headwind helped with that a bit.”

The second woman to finish was Kate Campbell in a time of 35 minutes and 21 seconds.

Scott, Rachel, Jono and Kate were some of the 40,000 individuals and team members who had officially registered to take part in the event.

The light easterlies couldn’t quite take the heat out of the warm and sunny conditions, making it a hot run for some.

Following the fun run, thousands of hungry and thirsty participants met family and friends for celebratory barbeques, picnics and entertainment at Madills Farm and Glover Park.

Event spokesperson, Fairfax Media Group Sales and Marketing Manager Sandra King, says the day was again a huge success, with tens of thousands of dollars raised for several children’s charities.

“Our registered participants can have a well-earned sleep tonight knowing that by taking part, their fitness levels are not the only thing to benefit from today - they have helped raise money for some extremely deserving charities.”

The charities benefiting from the proceeds of this year’s event are Kidney Kids, Koru Care, the Waitemata Harbour Clean-Up Trust and Fairfax First Books.

Sponsors include Watercare, Coca-Cola Amatil (Pump water), Mobico, Radioworks, Liquorland, Austins, Novelli Apparel and Carlton Party Hire.

Finish times for all registered participants will be available from tomorrow (Monday) at .