Police credit partnership with organisers and positive attitude for successful Beach Hop

Sunday 27 March 2011, 2:05PM

By New Zealand Police



The strong relationship between Police and event organisers, combined with inclement weather, is being credited for a positive vibe in Whangamata over the weekend that has seen tens of thousands of visitors to the town.

Senior Sergeant Kevin Anderson said though Police staff dealt with a steady flow of jobs overnight, considering Whangamata hosted around 70,000 visitors, he was very pleased with the crowd's behaviour at this weekend's Beach Hop.

"We've had no serious assaults or alcohol fuelled violence which, when you consider cities around New Zealand dealing with similar populations, could be considered a major success.

"One of the issues that became apparent is that while event participants are predominantly mature, family groups crowds of this size do attract other elements and Police had to deal with a number of intoxicated young people who came to Whangamata with no arrangements for accommodation."

The main policing focus today was ensuring everyone makes it home safely so they can return for next year's event.

"During one day's rain before New Year's Eve Police attended 38 vehicle crashes, with similar conditions this weekend emergency services have attended five so far.

"There are a number of events continuing today but everyone at some stage will be heading home. We'd like to remind people of the wet conditions, the larger than normal traffic volumes and the need to exercise patience to everyone makes it home safely."