Dunedin homicide investigation underway

Saturday 16 April 2011, 10:40AM

By New Zealand Police



Police have begun a homicide investigation after the body of a young man was found today in the Blueskin Bay Estuary behind the Warrington Beach, north of Dunedin.

The body was discovered by two members of the public shortly before 8.00am. (Friday 15 April 2011)

"The scene has been secured by Police and a forensic examination of the area is underway." said Detective Senior Sergeant Kallum Croudis

"The body was removed from the scene this afternoon and will be the subject of a post mortem examination this evening.

"The identity of the body has yet to be established but Police are following a positive line of inquiry on this.

"At this early stage Police are unable to give details of the injuries sustained by the deceased.

"It is also too early to draw any conclusions about where the young man may have died.

"Police are keeping an open mind about whether the death occurred where the body was found or at another location.

"30 Police staff are currently working on the investigation.

"This will increase to around 40 people over the weekend when ESR Scientists and specialist search staff will be deployed to assist in the scene examination." said Mr Kroudis.