Changes to schooling in South Dunedin

Friday 6 May 2011, 7:58AM

By Anne Tolley



Education Minister Anne Tolley has decided on a number of changes to schools in South Dunedin to strengthen the provision of education for children in the area.

“I have carefully considered a report on the second round of consultation on the future of Year 1 – 8 schooling in South Dunedin, and believe changes must be made to strengthen education,” says Mrs Tolley.

“This reorganisation will ensure there is a sustainable network of quality schooling in the area to provide the best possible education for students.”

It has been decided to:

• Merge Caversham, College Street and Calton Hill Schools as a Year 1-8 primary school on the Caversham site, with a second campus on the Calton Hill site

• Merge Macandrew Intermediate and Forbury Schools as a Year 1-8 full primary on the Macandrew Intermediate School site

“I intend to appoint a new board of trustees for each school, to be made up of a nominated representative from the current board of trustees from each merging school, a representative from the community and Ngai Tahu, as well as an educational expert,” says Mrs Tolley.

“This is an opportunity to shape the best possible education for children in the area over the next twenty years.”

The boards of affected schools now have 28 days in which to make additional comments.

A final decision will be announced soon after this, with any changes to South Dunedin schools to be implemented from term one, 2012.