Cycle trail - keep up with the play!

Monday 16 May 2011, 9:19AM

By Far North District Council



An electronic information network is being established to keep the community up with the play on developments as construction nears completion on the first stage of the Pou Herenga Tai –Twin Coast Cycle Trail in the Far North.

The email network will provide information on education programmes, public forums, training workshops, upcoming events and updates on construction progress on the 85.6 kilometre trail.

"The email distribution network is primarily designed to keep interested parties in the loop and will be augmented by a new website which is being developed to provide  information for trail users and the wider public," Infrastructure and Assets General Manager David Penny said today.

He said the email network could be operational almost immediately and the website was expected to be launched within the next two months.

"The trail is an economic development tool for the region. As construction progresses it will become increasingly important that local communities are kept advised, particularly commercial interests seeking to gain leverage from the trail by either setting up new business ventures or expanding their existing operations," he said.

An invitation was extended to all parties to register their interest in joining the email distribution list by contacting the Cycle Trail Project Coordinator Adrienne Tari at