Wellywood, Yeah Right

Thursday 26 May 2011, 3:16PM

By Tui Brewery


Tuiwood Credit: Tui Brewery
Wellywood, Yeah Right
Wellywood, Yeah Right Credit: Tui Brewery


Tui Brewery’s Nick Rogers has joined in on the WELLYWOOD debate, mentioning that the proposed Wellington sign will detract from the awe inspiring TUIWOOD sign in Mangatainoka.

Rogers believes that Wellington’s proposed sign is an unoriginal concept, seeing as the Tui Brewery has had their local attraction up for years and is something their locals are proud of. “Wellington should think of something more original than the proposed sign. Mangatainoka has had an iconic TUIWOOD sign for years and I don’t see any point of having one just like it down the road in Wellington. What’s next from the unoriginal folk of Infratil, a shorter SkyTower than Auckland and two Pohutakawa trees on Mt Victoria!”

Rogers says Tui installed its TUIWOOD sign on a farm hill overlooking our brewery six years ago and the locals love it. “We put it up in June 2006 and have had tourists from around the country and the world taking photos of it, everyone that sees it for the first time has a really good laugh.”

The laughs look set to continue with the irreverent brand putting up a billboard this week in Wellington which reads, “Absolutely positively, we’re all for WELLYWOOD. Yeah Right”.

Tui Brewery hosts more than 45,000 visitors per annum at Mangatainoka, home to just 125 people. It also sells nearly $3 million in merchandise a year at the brewery and 100,000 Tui pies and 600,000