Public appeal to find men involved in liquor store robbery

Friday 27 May 2011, 3:06PM

By New Zealand Police



Rotorua Police are appealing to members of the public for information relating to the aggravated robbery of the Springfield Liquor Store at approximately 7pm on Thursday 26 May 2011.

The Springfield Liquor Store is located in the St Andrews Shopping Centre, Otonga Road, Rotorua.

Detective Leonie Smith, from Rotorua Police, says a male entered the store at approximately 7pm last night and attempted to leave without paying for two boxes of alcohol.

“The shop attendant challenged the male and started to follow him from the store. However, as he did so, a second male has appeared in the doorway and pointed a black pistol at the attendant.

“The attendant was forced to his knees, before both males ran from the Liquor Store towards Old Taupo Road.

“Fortunately, the shop attendant was not injured, however, this was a frightening experience and we are keen to find these two men as soon as possible.”

The two males involved are described as:

First male who removed alcohol:
Male Maori or Polynesian
Approximately 5'10" - 6'
Solid build with broad shoulders
Approximately 25 - 35 years
Wearing a sleeveless white hoody
Light grey long sleeved top
Light blue jeans
Black and white sneakers

Second male with firearm:
Fair skinned male Maori / Polynesian
Slim to medium build and height
Aged approximately 17 - 30 years
Wearing a black sleeveless vest
Dark brown t-shirt
Black baseball style cap
Light brown trousers
Blue and white shoes

“If anyone was in the vicinity of the Iiquor store at this time and saw the male offenders please contact Rotorua Police on 07 348 0099.

“Someone may know who these two men are, or have heard people talking about such an incident. If you know anything about this incident, please come forward – either directly to Police or anonymously via the Crimestoppers line, 0800 555 111.”