Lydia Turner of Cook Creative Media is a finalist in the 2011 Glaister Ennor Graduate Art Awards

Tuesday 14 June 2011, 10:12PM

By Cook Creative Media


Sea Maiden (2010)
Sea Maiden (2010) Credit: Lydia Tuner of Cook Creative Media

The Glaister Ennor Graduate Art Awards aims to help emerging artists in Auckland. Each year they ask Auckland art schools to nominate candidates for the award from its Post Graduate artists.

This year photographer Lydia Turner was nominated from Unitec;

“I am so grateful to be one of Unitec's nominated artists for the Glaister Ennor Graduate Art Awards, It is a fantastic opportunity for me as a practicing artist.”

As a candidate Turner was asked to submit any two dimensional art piece to be exhibited and judged by a panel of judges. 

Turner said “It was a hard decision only choosing one work, but I have chosen the image Sea Maiden (2010) as I fell it encompasses the message of my masters project. The image is based on my research which looks at how contemporary romantic courtship is evolving and is influenced by fairy tales." 

The awards are held in conjunction with Orexart Art Gallery who offer an opportunity to the winning artist to exhibit. The winners will be announced at 6pm tomorrow.

You can view Lydia Turner’s and other nominees work at the Orexart Gallery from the 14th of June till the 25th of June 2011. The gallery is located at Upper Khartoum Place, Kitchener St, Auckland City and is free to the public. 

Gallery opening hours are: Tuesday till Friday from 10am until 5pm 
and Saturday from 11am until 3pm.
Click here to view Lydia Turners art photography.