1000 Auckland companies sign up for NZ 2011 Business Club

Tuesday 21 June 2011, 9:27PM

By Mark Baker



The NZ 2011 Business Club is celebrating signing up its thousandth Auckland company. The Business Club matches international visitors arriving in New Zealand for the Rugby World Cup with local businesspeople.

The latest Auckland signing is CarboNZero ( which has developed its own internationally-accredited greenhouse gas certification programme, providing tools and resources to help New Zealand businesses measure, manage and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions with credibility and integrity. CarboNZero is the first company in the world to have achieved ISO 14065 for its greenhouse gas certification scheme.

In late May, the Mayor issued a personal invitation to Auckland businesses to get involved with the Business Club programme and says they have responded “magnificently” to the opportunity.

“We have reached the 1000th business in a relatively short period, which is a fantastic milestone. The next thing for our registered businesses to do is develop ideas for their hosting opportunity or decide how they will connect their guests with showcase events,” Len Brown says.

The NZ2011 Business Club connects businesses planning to expand through capital investment, exports or innovation with international visitors who hold key roles in similar industries or who have common interests. Membership is free and businesses can register at or

Businesses can develop their own hosted events or connect with some of the major showcase events being held in Auckland during Rugby World Cup 2011 (RWC2011). Hosting opportunities are being developed in many parts of the country.

“I think the Auckland business community has grasped the concept with both hands and I know the businesses that have registered will now be working hard on their hosting ideas,” the Mayor says.

Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED), a Council Controlled Organisation, has been working hard to secure registrations from the region’s businesses and to encourage businesses to develop their hosting opportunities. Matching of registered businesses with overseas visitors is now under way.

“This is about seizing the opportunity to show the rest of the world what New Zealand is made of. In other words, highlighting all the things Kiwis love about this country and making sure these higher-level business visitors have a heck of a time,” Len Brown says.

The Mayor says registrations for Business Club are still being accepted. 

The best way for Auckland-based businesses to access Business Club is through the website, which carries a registration button linking to the club’s own web page, profiles Auckland businesses developing event and hosting concepts and offers a wide range of helpful information about RWC 2011 along with tips on how to how to make the most of the Auckland events.

The Director of the NZ 2011 national office Leon Grice says reaching 1000 Auckland registrations is a crucial milestone for the NZ 2011 Business Club.

“ATEED has worked tirelessly to get businesses on board by reinforcing the value of building global connections and it has paid off. A thousand Auckland business club members is a great achievement,” said Mr Grice.

Auckland businesses had been quick to see the value of the opportunity and were already making plans to host international visitors. Mr Grice says it’s inspiring for others to see how determined Auckland businesses are to make the most of the connections they can make through Rugby World Cup 2011.