Council accepts amalgamation decision

Thursday 23 June 2011, 6:36AM

By Nelson City Council



Nelson City Council accepts the Local Government Commission’s decision to take the next steps towards the amalgamation of Nelson City and Tasman District Councils.

The Commission released its decision today after hearing a range of views just before Christmas and accepting 450 submissions on the proposal. It has been preparing its decision since then.

Nelson Deputy Mayor Ali Boswijk says it’s been a long process, but now the Commission has made its decision to continue along the amalgamation road, there is still a lot of work to be done.

“Council wanted an independent assessment of amalgamation so we could get an objective viewpoint. The Commission has provided that, which is fitting for such an emotive topic.”

“The issue of amalgamation has been around for a very long time, and Council is grateful to the Commission for producing a fair and balanced viewpoint.”

The Commission has released a draft reorganisation plan and invited submissions until 19 August.

Full details are available for download at the local government commission website.