Past President receives RSA's Gold Badge

Sunday 26 June 2011, 11:30AM

By Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association



Past RSA National President John Campbell was presented with the Badge in Gold and Life Membership of the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services’ Association at a ceremony on Friday at Montecillo Veterans Home in Dunedin.

“John Campbell has served the RNZRSA and all veterans with great strength and innovation,” says current RSA National President Don McIver.

“With a deep commitment to their welfare he has been a forthright, vigorous and influential advocate for New Zealand veterans and for all ex-service personnel,” says Mr McIver.

John Campbell has been a member of the RSA for 31 years. The Vietnam veteran became Vice President of the Dunedin RSA in 1999 and President in 2001. In 2003 he became District President Otago-Southland and a member of the National Executive Committee. In this role he quickly recognised that the RSA needed an image change; that it needed to move with the times and to reclaim its position as one of the country’s pre-eminent national organisations with a voice on behalf of veterans which needed to be heard. He was the force behind the independent review of the RNZRSA operations in 2004 and when he became National President later that year he moved quickly towards the implementation of many of its recommendations.

During his presidency he was influential in setting in train the much needed process of review of service in Vietnam which, through the Health Select Committee and subsequent Joint Working Group, culminated in the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Crown in December 2006. Its principle provisions included the Government’s formal and public apology which was given at the Tribute08 Welcome Home Ceremony; measures to address health and welfare issues for Vietnam Veterans and their families; and the Review of the War Pensions Act 1954 on which the Law Commission has now issued its report and the wider review of the delivery of services to all veterans. Overall, he reinvigorated the relationship the RNZRSA shared both with the Government and with Defence.

John led the RNZRSA in many commemorative events during his presidency, including the Return of the Unknown Warrior in November 2004 and the unveiling of the New Zealand Memorial in London in November 2006. Significantly, he convinced Government to mark the RSA’s 90th Anniversary in 2006 by instituting the special and very successful Year of the Veteran.

John retired as National President in late 2007 but continued to serve as the lay member of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Veteran’s Health until its last meeting last week.

It is appropriate that the presentation is taking place at Montecillo Veterans Home and Hospital where John served for several years from the late 1990s on the Board of Management and then as Trustee and Director, where he was closely involved in its restructuring and move to its current modern premises.

The RNZRSA Badge in Gold is the RNZRSA’s highest honour awarded to those who have rendered signal service to the RNZRSA or to New Zealand. John Campbell is the 66th recipient in the RSA’s 95 years among whom fellow living recipients include two past national presidents as well as HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Nancy Wake and Willie Apiata VC.