School Patrols Parade Through the City this Friday

Tuesday 28 June 2011, 3:11PM

By Wellington City Council



To celebrate the efforts of school patrols to improve road safety around their schools, about 1,150 children, representing over half of all Wellington primary schools, will march through the city in the annual Orange Day street parade on Friday 1 July.

Dressed in orange, the school patrollers will march to the tune of the Scots College pipe band from Parliament along Lambton Quay and Willis Street to Civic Square and a celebration at the Town Hall.

The march will start at 10.00am, with delays expected along this route until about 10.45am due to a rolling road closure in place for this event.

Wellington Police Education Officer Constable Duncan Ashton, who trains school patrols, says patrollers do a great job for their schools and communities by improving safety during the busiest times on the roads.

"They are volunteering their time out there, so the parade is about giving them a reward, as well as reminding Wellingtonians to drive safely near schools," he says.

Kevin McKenna, New Zealand Executive Director at Transfield Services, which supplies the patrollers' jackets nationally, says, "We recognise the importance of keeping our young people safe. Providing high visibility jackets for school children nationwide reinforces the importance we place on safety and is our way of meaningfully giving back to the communities in which we work."

The event is sponsored by the Council, Police, Transfield Services and Pak'n Save, Kilbirnie.

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