Auckland Housing Choice Slips To Lowest Level In Nearly Four Years

Tuesday 5 July 2011, 1:17PM

By Barfoot & Thompson



In June the number of properties on the Auckland market dipped to their lowest level in nearly four years.

“Choice at present in Auckland is severely restricted,” said Peter Thomson, Managing Director of Barfoot & Thompson.

“Many current home owners appear to be putting off making decisions about property until they have a better feel for where the economy is heading.

“At the end of June we had only 5067 properties on our books, the lowest number since August 2007.

“New listing for June at 1153 was consistent with the number for May (1169) and with June last year (1194), but not sufficient to improve the lack of choice which has been tight for the past three months.

“When available listings are this low the market is normally running hot with prices and sales volumes on the rise, but that is not the current situation.

“Sales volumes were steady in June with 873 properties sold, and were down 1.8 per cent on May’s sales.

“However, they were up 31.3 per cent on those for June last year, continuing a four- month trend of this year’s sales being higher than those for the corresponding month last year.

“Prices also eased in June compared, with the average price reaching $521,019, down 1.6 per cent on the average price in May, and down $2000 on the average price for June last year.

“There is a high level of demand for properties, but lack of confidence in the future of the economy is creating a natural brake on the willingness of owners and buyers to commit to moving on with their housing plans.

“It is a situation that it unlikely to change until late Spring.”

Mr Thompson said that sales in June were spread evenly across the region, and all price brackets.