Industrial development in Horotiu

Wednesday 6 July 2011, 7:40AM

By Waikato District Council



Horotiu looks set to experience significant industrial growth over the next 30 to 40 years as 150 hectares of land has been allocated for industrial development.

Waikato District Council has introduced an ‘Industrial Park Zone’ into the southern Horotiu area after resolving a long running appeal to the Environment Court against the Proposed Waikato District Plan.

The industrial development will take place adjacent to the Te Rapa and Ngaruawahia sections of the Waikato Expressway in the Horotiu area and will take place in a staged manner. Fifty six hectares of land has been zoned for industrial development up to 2021, 84 hectares zoned for development between 2021 and 2041, and a further 10 hectares will be zoned for development after 2041.

It’s expected that the industrial zoning will generate employment opportunities for the Horotiu and surrounding area residents.

Waikato District Council Chief Executive Gavin Ion said that because of the planned and sequential nature of industrial development there was no immediate need to develop a structure plan for Horotiu.

“Council has deferred the development of a structure plan for the wider Horotiu area for the time being. In the future we may look at developing a plan for the Horotiu area which would consider wider issues including residential and township growth. If this happens, the local community will be consulted at the appropriate time,” Mr Ion said.

To carry out development in the Industrial Park Zone, a developer has to prepare and get approval for an ‘Indicative Development Plan’ for each stage or sub-stage from Council in advance of any subdivision or development.

For more information contact the Waikato District Council Planning and Strategy team on 0800 492 452.