Cromwell Town Centre Upgrade Progress

Monday 11 July 2011, 2:38PM

By Central Otago District Council



Council has appointed Baxter Design Group Ltd of Queenstown to develop draft concept plans and cost estimates for the Town Centre Upgrade. These will be presented to the Cromwell Community Board for consideration.

Areas identified in the Cromwell Town Centre Urban Planning and Design Report that were being prioritised include:

Improve the visual connection to Cromwell. This is about providing clear signage that directs motorist to the Town Centre from SH8B and opening up views to the Town Centre (Referred to as Big Move 1in the Urban Planning and Design Report).

A vibrant front edge to help to draw people to The Mall. The intention is to provide for more outdoor cafe seating, more protection from the north-west wind for public spaces and reduce the prominence of The Mall service lane whilst maintaining its function (Referred to as Big Move 4 in the Report).

Wayfinding techniques. Use recognisable flags and signage to locate the Town Centre and The Mall entrances (Referred to as Big Move 6).

Rejuvenating public spaces in The Mall. The intention is to rejuvenate these spaces where design has regard to for the limited budget (Also in Big Move 6).

The Cromwell Town Centre Urban Planning and Design Report can be viewed on the front page of Council’s website -

Once the concept plans have been finalised and costs established, the Community Board will develop an implementation plan and options for funding the project. It is expected that funding will be included in Years 1, 2 and 3 of the 2012/22 Long Term Plan (LTP) for physical works on the Town Centre Upgrade.

There are significant project proposals to be considered in the Long Term Plan (LTP) including the Cromwell Memorial Hall Upgrade, Bannockburn Hall Rebuild and Cromwell Waste Water resource consent renewals and any associated upgrade. The LTP process will provide an opportunity for the community to give their feedback to the Board on what they think should be prioritised for funding.

Cromwell Memorial Hall Redevelopment

Following the community input into the redevelopment options for the Cromwell Memorial Hall, the Cromwell Community Board has confirmed its preferred option.

The Board has agreed to the redevelopment of the existing hall, as outlined in Phase 1 of the Preliminary Design Report, prepared by Beca, will be undertaken pending the availability of funding.

The design of the proposed redevelopment in the Preliminary Design Report can be viewed on at the Cromwell Service Centre, 42 The Mall, Cromwell or at the Cromwell Library, 43 The Mall, Cromwell.

Feedback should be forwarded to the Community Facility Officer, Ev Bisset, Cromwell Service Centre, 42 The Mall, Cromwell or PO Box 2, Cromwell or email by 29 July 2011.

The Redevelopment project has been included in Yr 2 (2013/14) of the draft 2012/22 Long Term Plan (LTP). A statutory public consultation process will begin early in 2012 on all projects included in the LTP. This will give the community another opportunity to submit on the proposed redevelopment of the Hall.