Celia Visser Wins NKBA Bathroom of the Year Award Sponsored by spazioCasa

Thursday 14 July 2011, 10:20AM




Saturday June the 9th 2011 saw the Gala Awards dinner of the National Kitchen and Bathroom Association (NKBA). The NKBA is New Zealand’s preeminent association of New Zealand based Kitchen and Bathroom designers and manufacturers. This annual event is incorporated with the NKBA Conference of which spazioCasa is the platinum sponsor. The NKBA awards celebrate New Zealand Kitchens and Bathrooms designed by members of the NKBA.

This years Best Bathroom Design was designed by Cilia Visser of Celia Visser Design, 54 College Hill, Ponsonby. The apparent challenge of the project was the size and shape of the bathroom, being long and narrow with an alcove at one end. Celia Visser overcame this problem by creating 3 distinct areas with a free standing bath as the focal point. The Italian wall tiles, supplied by spazioCasa, create a feeling of luxury along with a mirrored cabinet that creates more space. The use of LED lights creates a truly romantic atmosphere and accentuates the overall design.

For the second year running, spazioCasa was the platinum sponsor of the NKBA Conference and was the sponsor of the major categories Best Bathroom Design, People’s Choice Bathroom Award and the regional Bathroom of the Year awards. Paolo Cozzolino, Director of spazioCasa, said that it “is a privilege [to be the platinum sponsor] because I truly believe that this association is an organisation where likeminded people can really make a difference and improve the industry they are passionate about”.

Of the awards, Mr Cozzolino said “this year all the entries were of an extremely high standard. It was pleasing to see that even in this tough economic climate customers are choosing to use certified designers. The designers are using the latest in international trends and technologies to achieve fantastic results for their customers”.