Need for certainty around deep-sea drilling says Flavell

Wednesday 20 July 2011, 9:31AM

By Te Ururoa Flavell



Te Ururoa Flavell, the sponsor of a bill to ensure real consultation and ongoing engagement with iwi, hapu and whanau in relation to permits sought under the Crown Minerals Act 1991, has spoken out about the need for certainty in decisions around deep sea drilling in Northland and the Reinga Block.

"As I understand, last Friday the Ministry of Economic Development announced that although both Northland and Reinga Block offers attracted local and international interest, no permit awards were announced".

In my bill, the Crown Minerals (Effective and Meaningful Engagement with Iwi and Hapu) Amendment Bill -we set an expectation that iwi, hapu and whanau will benefit from meaningful and effective consultation and engagement on activities that have the potential to adversely affect their land, waters and way of life" said Mr Flavell.

"We do not expect iwi Maori to be in an environment of uncertainty around petroleum exploration activities such as surveying, exploration and drilling".

"The Maori Party suggests that the Ministry of Economic Development should talk with iwi as to whether the block offers have been withdrawn; whether negotiations towards the tender bid are still in progress or whether in fact an announcement is pending" said Mr Flavell.

"The Maori Party is aware that during 2010, concerns were raised by Te Waka Taonui (Te Tai Tokerau Chairs) about the process for notifying them about a petroleum block offer which was held in the Reinga Basin. Te Waka Taonui continue to be opposed to deep-sea drilling without meaningful consultation.

"We believe that whanau, hapu and iwi deserve a full explanation about what has brought about the apparently sudden change of heart in regard to the Government's strategy for oil exploration in Northland" ends Mr Flavell.