Virtual Business Community Launched to Support Christchurch Rebuild

Monday 25 July 2011, 3:28PM

By RedPR


The homepage
The homepage Credit: has launched a newly developed “BUSINESS-Get Going” page.

The website has had almost half a million hits in the last three months, with the number of visitors and registrations growing, and site developer, Ben Young, says the business page was the result of several business people asking for a page dedicated to business.

“Think of as the Facebook for people who want to learn about and be engaged with the rebuild of our city,” he says.

Deon Swiggs, the man who launched the website after the September quake, says it is essential that the business community has a strong presence on

“Businesses are the backbone of our economy; we need them to be up and running as soon as possible and part of helping them succeed, is letting people know where the businesses can be found. Also this is a way for proactive businesses to let the public know how their business is changing and by letting us know what they are offering to help rebuild our city and our lives,” he says.

Businesses can upload their logo, images, their location, run a blog and link to the many other communities including suburbs, projects and blogs. Deon Swiggs says with the official organisations, including EQC, EQR, CCC and CERA contributing, it really is a one stop shop for everyone.

“ is an independent website; we have no tied affiliation with any one organisation. We are merely the conduit of information, enabling people and business to access virtually any and all information out there about the rebuild, as well as being able to contribute as members of this virtual community,” he says. This is creating a trusted source of information posting and sharing in Christchurch.

For more information, please contact Ali Jones on 027 247 3112.

Getting started...
● Add your business here
● Once you add your business you will be redirected to your own business home page
● You can add news posts to your own business home page.
● If you enter a physical location, an "open" sign will show on the map. If you enter an old address a "closed" sign will also show on the map showing people where the business used to be and where it is located now.
● When you add a news post, you can select an image to upload and where you want the image to show (left or right) and the text will flow around accordingly.
● The latest news posts from all businesses will be shown on the business directory page.
● Your business will be also added into the business map and business directories so people can find you easily.
● When added a news post you also have the ability to embed something from another service, for example a movie from YouTube or a photo gallery from Picasa or Flickr.
● Upload your logo when you add your business so visitors can easily find you in the directory.

● If you did move after one of the earthquakes make sure you fill out your old physical address so we can show it on the map.

● Adding news posts is a great way to add exposure to your business and let visitors how about how you are going with your rebuild process.

Please contact us at if you have any questions.