Plunket welcomes Green Paper on vulnerable children

Wednesday 27 July 2011, 2:29PM

By Plunket


New Zealand’s largest provider of services to support the health and development of children under five welcomes the launch today of a Green Paper on vulnerable children.

Plunket CEO Jenny Prince was among the key people who were consulted during the development of the paper, which has a special focus on under five year-olds.

“The health and wellbeing of our under five’s is an issue for all of society. It truly does take a village to raise a child,” she said.

“While New Zealand has a strong foundation of services and support for children and families, there is more that needs to be done to help our children grow, develop and achieve.

“We welcome debate and attention directed at ways to reduce child abuse and other harm to children. This paper is a great opportunity for all New Zealanders to discuss what we, as a society, can do to improve life for our most vulnerable citizens.

“Evidence tells us there are no quick fixes. There are a complex range of contributing factors to the state of our children’s health and wellbeing. We need to concentrate effort on ensuring that families have the support they need to safely care for and raise New Zealand’s future generations.

“Focusing on giving our children the best start in life is vital in helping us create a better society.

“This Green Paper is a very tangible way we can all be involved in making real change for our children. We encourage all New Zealanders to have their say and make a submission.