Graffiti artists invited to accept new challenge

Thursday 28 July 2011, 3:39PM

By Hastings District Council



The region‟s graffiti artists are invited to enter a canvas into a competition which is the first of its
type in Hawke‟s Bay.

The Keep it Legit – Spray Art Challenge is being launched to give the region‟s aerosol artists a
chance to create positively focused and legitimate artworks for public display.

Hastings District Council Environment Enhancement Officer Jacqui Davis says “graffiti artists are
being encouraged to showcase their skills by submitting a positive design that is much more than
just a „tag‟. Artists will be given one canvas free of charge, but can enter more at their own cost.”

“The entries will be on display at Te Ao Marama, 114-118 Karamu Road North Hastings during the
week of 22nd– 27th August, where they will be judged by a panel of three people. The public will
also a have a chance to vote for their favourite.”

The winner will have the opportunity to recreate the design in a public place in their local

Jacqui Davis says “true graffiti art is provocative, appealing, bold and uncompromising. There are
many different types and styles involved and today, it‟s widely accepted as a legitimate art
form. Keep it Legit is a way of allowing these artists to showcase their work to the public in an
acceptable way.”

The Keep it Legit – Spray Art Challenge opens on Monday August 1st with canvasses available from the Hastings City Art Gallery. Entries close on August 19th with the winners announced on Friday September 2nd.