Public comment sought on footpath trading policy

Thursday 25 August 2011, 3:00PM

By Rotorua District Council



Rotorua District Council is seeking public feedback on a new draft Footpath Trading Zone Policy. The policy sets out criteria for permitting retailers to use parts of footpaths in the city, and details when fees would be payable to the council for use of these public spaces.

RDC Economic & Regulatory Services Group Manager Mark Rawson says Rotorua has been experiencing increased demand from retailers in the CBD for use of footpath space for such purposes as street stalls and alfresco dining.

”We want to encourage footpath trading that contributes to the vibrancy of commercial areas in the CBD.”

He said the new policy would offer many central city businesses the opportunity to use up to a metre of footpath space along the front of their premises without charge, in a way that does not impede the flow of pedestrian traffic or impact on vehicle parking. Fees would apply to use of approved areas greater than the one metre deep strip.

The policy would set the rules for all footpath commercial activity and identify what can be sold on footpaths, along with signage, public safety and cleaning obligations.

Before making final decisions Rotorua District Council is inviting feedback on the draft policy which would come into effect from November. Existing users of footpath spaces and new applicants would need to apply for a permit and where applicable the council would start charging fees from 1 July next year (2012).

The draft policy in full can be viewed at and feedback needs to be received by the council by Friday 9 September 2011. To view the draft policy and make to send feedback online click here