GuildLink® system allows pharmacists to focus more on patients

Thursday 1 September 2011, 5:25PM

By Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand


Community pharmacists now have an easier and more streamlined way to manage and improve their quality practice.

The Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand and its subsidiary, PSL, today launched its GuildLink® computer software programme. The first component of the new service is AuditLink® which is a new service that will make it easier for pharmacists to manage the many compliance issues they face in running a pharmacy business.

The new service will make it easier for pharmacists to manage the many regulatory requirements they need to comply with on a daily basis.

GuildLink® is a web-based programme that works by providing templates and regular prompts that enable pharmacists to keep up-to-date with their standard operating procedures (SOPs) and compliance obligations.

Medicines Control (a division of the Ministry of Health) requires all pharmacies to have a complete set of SOPs to fulfil their Quality Audit requirements.

Guild Chief Executive, Annabel Young, says the Guild designed its new system because there was an evident need in community pharmacy for such a service and there appears to be no equivalent system available.

“Complying with standard operating procedures is a necessary part of running a pharmacy and our intention is to create a simple, easy to use, system that assists pharmacists to maintain a high level of compliance on a regular basis, rather than cramming all their SOP work into a short period before an audit.”

Ms Young says the early feedback from members and Medicines Control auditors is that the GuildLink® system is convenient and effective.

“SOPs can range from dispensing a medicine, through to cleaning a fridge. Failure to record compliance with SOP requirements means pharmacists have to spend considerable resources updating their records and even adjusting their processes in order to pass an audit.”

She says the innovative system was created because there are currently over 100 SOPs with which pharmacies must comply.

“By creating an easier and more efficient way of managing all these issues, we’re allowing pharmacists to spend more time focusing on the care and wellbeing of their patients and that’s got to be good for community pharmacy and the public.”

GuildLink® gives access to a web-based programme that:

• provides pharmacists with a complete set of templates for standard operating procedures, with regular automatic updates
• is easily installed in existing computer systems
• manages a pharmacy’s policies
• records and manages dispensing errors
• provides pharmacists with sample job descriptions
• manages staff training
• and helps pharmacists meet their pharmacy audit requirements.

For more information about GuildLink® and AuditLink®, contact Nicole Rickman at or 04 802 8217.


Media Contact: Annabel Young - 027 440 9160 or 04 802 8201
Karen Crisp - 027 434 2301

• The Pharmacy Guild of New Zealand (Inc) is a national membership organisation representing community pharmacy owners. We provide leadership on all issues affecting the sector and we advocate for the business interests of community pharmacy.
• For additional information on the Guild and community pharmacy please go to