Facebook : Labour ahead in the polls.

Thursday 8 September 2011, 9:25PM

By Jimbo Gentry


Labour have nearly three times as many supporters compared to National, according to Facebook figures.

The official Labour Facebook page has 3,661 “likes’ whereas in comparison National’s Facebook page has a paltry 1277 “Likes”.

The Act party’s Facebook page is almost level with the Nats, with 1222 “Likes”.

Other political parties traditionally ignored by the mainstream press have a growing level of support online, where financial backing is no longer a major concern.

The Maori party facebook page has 753 Likes.

Minority party The Greens have 408 “likes”.

Recent polls in mainstream media showing the Nats ahead in election polls in the run up to the general election are possibly not reflective of Labour’s true level of support.