Public take a bow message from Police following Waikato's final whistle

Sunday 2 October 2011, 9:35PM

By New Zealand Police



With the final whistle blown on the Waikato's policing of the Rugby World Cup the officer in charge of the District's response said the public can take a bow for how they hosted three games in Hamilton.

Inspector John Kelly said though there were seven evictions during tonight's match between Wales and Fiji there had been no arrests during the game or at either of the two earlier fixtures.

"The public has really embraced the party atmosphere during the games and our focus now switches to business as usual policing with those staff involved with assisting with the games now maintaining a highly visible presence in the City.

"That good will from the public has even extended in enabling our staff in making an arrest of a man involved in the breaking-into of a campervan parked near Waikato Stadium."

Mr Kelly said the break-in happened about 7.20pm when a member of the public phoned Police about two men acting suspiciously around a campervan parked on Norton Rd.

"The member of the public was able to keep the pair under observation allowing responding staff to arrest one man who is currently being bought back to the station. We believe the people linked to the campervan will have been at the game and be unaware they have been the victim of crime or an arrest has been made."

With large numbers of sports fans expected to carry on celebrating not only the Welsh victory in Hamilton but a pending Warriors NRL title Waikato staff were bracing for a busy night.

"Our message is to enjoy yourselves but not at the expense of others, drink responsibly and make sure you have made appropriate arrangements to get home safely."