Real Win for Hubbards at Food Awards

Thursday 20 October 2011, 6:51PM

By Goode PR


Hubbards Real cereal packaging
Hubbards Real cereal packaging Credit: Goode PR

Hubbards Real cereal was honoured with the top food accolades at the Massey University NZ Food Awards last night.

The cereal, which was launched 12 months ago, won the ATEED Cereals and Breads Award, the Zespri Award for Best Food Product Innovation and the Massey University Healthier Choice Award.

Hubbards Founder Dick Hubbard says it is an amazing achievement and a tremendous honour to win three such prestigious awards.

“This was a team effort, and it’s a credit to everyone from our New Product Development team to the people that make the flakes in the factory,” Dick says.

The high fibre, low fat wholegrain flakes are designed to help women look good, feel good and get more out of life.

Two new tasty and healthy flavour variants were added to the Real family this month - Real Berries and Real with Cinnamon Clusters.