Local artist to feature in mini exhibition at Hastings i-Site

Tuesday 25 October 2011, 8:26AM

By Hastings District Council



Hastings i-Site will feature the work of local designer David Trubridge, in a window display starting this week.

The display by the renowned designer will feature a selection of light shades and furniture.

I-Site manager Stephanie Tait says” The mini exhibition will run in conjunction with the opening of David Trubridge’s new studio in Whakatu. He is an iconic national designer and the window display will put his innovative work in front of the wider public”.

The new home for David Trubridge on the corner of Station Road and Groome Place, Whakatu, will be officially launched with an open day on Friday November 4th between 10am and 4pm.

Stephanie Tait says” The new showroom features a large selection of the exciting designs which are being produced by David Trubridge and a range of these will be included in the window display.”

“The mini exhibition at the i-Site is an opportunity to showcase local products to the many visitors who come through our doors and highlights another aspect of what is on offer around the region.”

What: Mini exhibition of furniture and lighting by David Trubridge
Where: Hastings i-Site, cnr Russell and Heretaunga Street East
When: Wednesday October 26th to Saturday November 19th

For more great places to visit in Hawke’s Bay or for more on David Trubridge