Yahoo NZ Northern Knights players to visit Hamilton City Libraries

Tuesday 25 October 2011, 1:17PM

By Hamilton City Council



Eight Yahoo! NZ Northern Knights cricket stars will be swapping cricket bats for library books when they visit four Hamilton libraries this Friday at 10am in an effort to encourage children to develop their love of reading.

The visits are part of a partnership between the Yahoo! NZ Northern Knights, Hamilton City Libraries and Duffy Books in Homes programme, which works with low decile schools to help raise literacy levels and build life-long readers and learners.

The initiative will see Knights cricket players Brent Arnel and Daryl Mitchell visit Garden Place Library to spend time with Crawshaw Full Primary School students; Bradley Scott and Brook Hatwell visit Dinsdale Library alongside Rhode Street Primary School students; Anton Devcich and James Baker visit Chartwell Library with Insoll Avenue School and Fairfield Primary students; and Anurag Verma and Trent Boult join Te Kura Kaupapa o Whakawatea students at Glenview Library.

During the visits the cricket players will each read to students, talk about a book from their childhood that changed their life or had a big impact on them, and take part in a question and answer session.

Hamilton City Libraries Director Su Scott said: “We hope the visits by these local sporting heroes will help build students’ awareness and excitement of reading and the role that public libraries play in our communities.”

Northern Districts Cricket Marketing Coordinator Julie Taylor said: “The Knights are thrilled to be involved with the Duffy Books in Homes programme. By speaking with children about the importance of reading and discussing with them a book that had an impact on their lives, I’m sure there will be parallels drawn between the kids and their new sporting heroes. It’s really important that the next generation keep physically and mentally active, so this is a fantastic opportunity to do both.”