Wide ranging topics for discussion at Hui a Hapu

Monday 31 October 2011, 3:09PM

By Hastings District Council



<p>Hastings District Council will present its vision for the future at a Hui a Hapu at the Matahiwi Marae early in November.<br /> <br /> The purpose of the Hui is to inform the community on council&#39;s 2012/22 Long Term Plan (LTP) process ahead of developing its Draft LTP.<br /> <br /> Topics to be presented include the future of water supply in the region, the redevelopment of Civic Square, housing options, long term solutions to coastal erosion and waste management services for marae and rural communities.<br /> <br /> Hastings Mayor Lawrence Yule says&rdquo; every three years council must update our LTP that sets the direction for the next ten years. It becomes the guide for council decision making and therefore, it&rsquo;s extremely important that the final plan reflects what the community needs.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> &ldquo;The development of the LTP gives the community a chance to contribute to Council&rsquo;s future direction and the Hui a Hapu will allow mana whenua, in particular, to be closely involved in the process,&rdquo; Mr Yule says.<br /> <br /> The Long Term Plan gives clear details on Council&rsquo;s activities and expenditure for the next three years and outlines plans for the following seven years.<br /> <br /> Everyone is welcome at Matahiwi Marae for the Hui a Hapu which is to be held on Wednesday November 9th &ndash; the powhiri is at 10am.<br /> <br /> LTP theme papers are available at Copies are also available by contacting Lex Verhoeven, Hastings District Council&rsquo;s Strategy Manager on 8715044 or<br /> <br /> Anyone who wishes to attend should register with Lex Verhoeven.</p>