Photo Competition Launched

Monday 21 November 2011, 12:55PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The Queenstown Lakes District Council has launched a photo competition open to all pre and school aged children in the district.

“At the moment the Council is busy preparing the 10-Year-Plan, which will be consulted on from April next year. Every time we have produced a plan we have asked the community to help us illustrate it,” QLDC communications manager Meaghan Miller said.

The last long term plan was adopted in 2009 and featured photographs taken by senior members of the community.

“This time we are throwing it open to all pre and school-aged children and students with a theme of our people our place. What that means is we would love to receive photographs that celebrate the people and the places that our children love in this district,’ Ms Miller said.

The photos would go on display at Queenstown and Wanaka during the 10-Year-Plan consultation period in April.

“We will be selecting some 20-30 shots from those sent in to feature in the three volumes of the plan including the front covers, so it will be very exciting for the children and generate some interest in the 10-Year-Plan process in our younger residents,’ she said.

Even more exciting was the opportunity to win a brand new digital camera. “Mayor van Uden will select the single best illustration that represents what’s great about where we live,” Ms Miller said.

There were no hard and fast rules about the competition and photos would be accepted from negatives from a throwaway camera through to digital shots.

“It’s a great project for the start of the school holidays. There is a whole month for young people to get creative. We’d love to see images come in from all corners of our district,” Ms Miller said.

More details on how to enter the competition were available on the Council website. The competition would close on Friday 21 December 2011.

For further information please contact Meaghan Miller 03 441 0499.


More information 

What is it?

The Council is searching for photos from across the district that tell the story about where we live. From these photos the Council will select images that will feature in the three volumes of the Queenstown Lakes District Council 10-Year-Plan, published in April 2012 including the front covers. The photos will also feature in an exhibition that will be displayed in Queenstown and Wanaka in April next year. One photo will be chosen by Mayor Vanessa van Uden as the single best illustration of what’s great about where we live. The winning photographer will receive a brand new digital camera.

Who can enter?

All pre-school and school-age children both primary and secondary school.

What format should I use?

The photos don’t need to be technical or taken on a fancy camera. The Council would prefer to receive them electronically by email but negatives are fine or CDs or whatever means you want to get them to us. Try and make the file size as big as possible if you are supplying them electronically.

How many photos can I enter?

As many as you like.

What else do I need to supply?

Every photo must be clearly identified and supplied with the name, age, address and contact phone number of the entrant. Each entry must also have the form below filled out and signed.

Please fill out the form and return this information with your emailed photo to or mail to Photo c/o QLDC Private Bag 50072 Queenstown or drop in at a Council office nearest to you by Friday 21 December 2011.




Contact phone number………………………………………………………………………..

I give my permission for my photo to be used in Council publications.
