Residents View Takaka River Flood Hazard Model

Tuesday 22 November 2011, 5:38PM

By Tasman District Council



Takaka residents got to see first-hand the results of flood hazard modelling for the Takaka River at a public meeting on Friday 18 November.

Policy Planner Lisa McGlinchy said between 80 and 100 residents came to the open day.

“We went through the model and the hazards, and some of the options for mitigation,” she said.

“The open day is the start of the process. It was a good chance to have landowners and Council staff in the same place discussing the issues.”

“For example, people often assume that gravel extraction will solve flooding problems. Our modelling shows that for the cost of removing the gravel the impact on mitigating the flooding hazard is relatively low.”

There was interest in the various options for minimising flood damage – such as stopbanks - but no decisions have been made.

“There was a lot of information for people to take in. The information displays will be housed at the Council service centre after this weekend’s national election until Christmas,” she said.

People seeking more information on the computer modelling, the flooding hazards and options for mitigation can visit the Council website:

Comments can be made until December 23.

All comments will be presented to Council in the new year, and then after preliminary decisions by Council, more consultation will take place.