Green Coffee Bean – The Silver Bullet For Weight Loss

Monday 5 December 2011, 2:46PM

By DonovanBoyd PR


 Svetol is made from the decaffeinated green coffee bean extract.
Svetol is made from the decaffeinated green coffee bean extract. Credit: DonovanBoyd PR

The humble coffee bean is now being hailed as an effective ingredient for weight loss.

The decaffeinated green Robusta coffee bean has been clinically proven* to aid weight loss, and to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood stream. It achieves this through inhibiting the absorption of glucose in the intestine, thereby encouraging the body to use stored fat for energy.

Now in New Zealand, Svetol has been responsible for thousands of people around the world dropping unwanted kilos.

Dr Alvin Ibarra, a scientist and food technologist from French botanical manufacturing company, Naturex, which developed Svetol, says the green coffee bean uses a different mechanism of weight loss compared to other natural weight management pills.

“While other diet pills are based on suppressing appetite, stimulating metabolism or providing a sense of fullness through extra fibre, Svetol is unique in its ability to significantly inhibit the absorption of carbohydrates, reducing blood glucose levels and thereby encouraging the body to use stored fat for energy.

“Svetol’s decaffeinated green coffee bean extract is unlike other weight loss pills in that it is rich in the natural active ingredient chlorogenic acid which causes the body to burn more fat for energy. Svetol is the only product in New Zealand that has a guaranteed level of 45 percent chlorogenic acid. It is also clinically proven to improve the lean to fat mass ratio and Body Mass Index (BMI).

“Our study showed that people taking Svetol over 60 days lost an average of 5.7 percent of their body weight and had a 4 percent increase in lean to fat mass ratio. The participants followed a healthy lifestyle combining a balanced diet with exercise and achieved an average weight loss of 5kg.”

Svetol follows a patented process to guarantee minimal caffeine (less than 2 percent) and contains a high content of chlorogenic acid (>45%) which is a strong antioxidant and is known to be beneficial to overall health. Svetol is guaranteed not to contain cafestol or kahweol, found in Arabica coffee beans and other weight loss pills, which have the potential to increase cholesterol levels.

*A placebo controlled double blind study was carried out on 50 overweight (BMI>25) people aged 19-75 years over a period of 60 days. 30 people received 400mg Svetol daily and 20 people received a placebo. Subjects followed a low calorie diet while maintaining their levels of physical exercise. After 60 days of treatment, a mean reduction in weight of 5.7% was observed in the Svetol group corresponding to an average weight loss of 5kg. The placebo group lost only 2.9% of weight. Those taking Svetol had a 4% increase in lean to fat mass ratio, as opposed to 1.6% in the placebo group.