55 students attend 2011 youth summit

Tuesday 6 December 2011, 10:25PM

By Northland Regional Council


The 55 students from throughout Northland who gathered recently for the 2011 Northland Regional Council Youth Summit in Whangarei.
The 55 students from throughout Northland who gathered recently for the 2011 Northland Regional Council Youth Summit in Whangarei. Credit: Northland Regional Council


Fifty-five students from throughout Northland gathered recently for the 2011 Northland Regional Council Youth Summit in Whangarei.

The 16th annual summit, held at Whangarei’s Onerahi Yacht Club, saw students discuss coastal environmental issues and what they could do to make a difference.

The day-long workshop brought together Year Seven and Eight students from 18 Northland schools.

The summit explored ways in which young people can play an active role in the future sustainable management of Northland’s coast.

Students from around the region developed action plans to help sort out local sustainable management challenges such as river and beach water quality and coastal rubbish management.

Northland Regional Council Education Officer Susan Botting says it’s encouraging to see Northland students taking an active interest in protecting and preserving their local marine environment.

“The work of these students makes a real contribution to the health of Northland’s estuaries, harbours and coastlines. That’s important for all Northlanders”.