Strong support for harbour bridge pathway design

Friday 9 December 2011, 8:23AM

By AHB Pathway Trust



Aucklanders have given their thumbs up to the concept designs for the AHB Pathway. Over 93% of the feedback received is in favour of the concept design launched by Mayor Len Brown and MP Nikki Kaye in August this year.

Architect Barry Copeland says “It’s marvelous to have strong support for the design as this is such an important project for Auckland if we are serious about opening up our waterfront and transforming the city from its over reliance on the private motor car.”

“The Pathway design also recently received a Cavalier Bremworth design award, so we think we’re onto a good thing.”
Aucklanders have been asked to give their feedback at The results [see below for details] also revealed strong support for the proposed observation decks and special effects night lighting.

Project Director Bevan Woodward says “Not only do we want to provide commuter access to the North Shore but we want a high quality Pathway that will attract recreational users and tourists. We expect the Pathway will encourage many overseas visitors to spend an extra day in Auckland and that’s going to deliver significant economic benefits for the region.”

The feedback received also confirms that Aucklanders’ willingness to pay a toll of $2 each way, with 83% in support if the New Zealand Transport Agency will not contribute to the Pathway’s construction cost.

Mr Woodward says “We are now seeking an underwriter of the project. Our forecasting shows that the Pathway will be cashflow positive and we are looking for an underwriter who is willing to allocate some of the dividends to other walking and cycling projects in the region.”