The National Foundation for the Deaf congratulates New Zealand's first profoundly deaf MP

Monday 12 December 2011, 2:35PM

By National Foundation for the Deaf


The National Foundation for the Deaf warmly congratulates the Green Party’s Mojo Mathers on becoming New Zealand’s first profoundly deaf Member of Parliament.

“It’s a fantastic achievement,” says Louise Carroll, CEO of The National Foundation for the Deaf. “We are looking forward to working with her over the next three years.”

Ms Mathers is one of over 700,000 New Zealanders who are deaf or hearing impaired. She is a wonderful role model, a shining example of how people who are deaf or hearing impaired can be positive, active members of their communities” says Ms Carroll.

The National Foundation for the Deaf hopes that the appointment of Ms Mathers may help make parliamentary information and debates more accessible for people who are deaf and hearing impaired.

“New Zealand has the lowest amount of captioning on TV in the western world,” says Ms Carroll. “This is a good opportunity for parliament to make some much needed changes.”