The Nelson Arts Festival the "best ever"

Monday 22 October 2007, 5:17PM

By Nelson Arts Festival



The Nelson Arts Festival is being declared the best ever in sales and
positive comment.
Nelson City Council Festival director Annabel Norman says there were record
ticket sales.

³People really responded to our programme and we¹ve had the largest number
of sell-out shows ever,² she said. ³We¹ve also had big turnouts at our free
shows and community events.²

Annabel said the Manifest Sculpture Exhibition was another success -
attracting works of excellence from New Zealand¹s top sculptors and
achieving some Œexciting¹ sales. 

The festival began on October 11 and wound up last night with a full house
for the Topp Twins, a thoughtful solo show at the Suter, a hilarious comedy
at the Deutz Lighthouse and a lot of tired children and adults who¹d enjoyed
the Fulton Hogan Family Finale at Albion Square.

The Nelson Arts Festival is presented annually by the Nelson City Council as
a celebration for locals and an attraction for visitors.