Alpine Health & Fitness 'Revive' Fitness Programme Proves A Winning Form

Wednesday 21 December 2011, 2:28PM

By Lakes Leisure Limited


REVIVE participants Alex Musgrave, Julie Bell, Orla Fitzpatrick and Malcolm Salter (left to right).
REVIVE participants Alex Musgrave, Julie Bell, Orla Fitzpatrick and Malcolm Salter (left to right). Credit: Lakes Leisure Limited


REVIVE, the latest programme from Alpine Health & Fitness, has proven to be a resounding success for weight loss, fitness, nutrition guidance and overall lifestyle improvement. Almost fifty locals managed to lose between 8-12kg over 12 weeks with some losing as many as 17 kilograms.

Richie Heap, manager of Alpine Health & Fitness described the programme as delivering a life changing experience.

“We had hoped to help participants find the motivation to reach previously out of reach fitness goals through both one on one and team training sessions, accompanied by a strong focus on nutrition. The programme provided not only motivation for these goals – with most people losing between 8kg and 12kg and greatly increasing their fitness and improving their nutrition - but for some it provided the motivation for a complete, fundamental lifestyle change. We’re absolutely thrilled at the transformations that many of the REVIVE participants experienced,” Richie said.

Alex Musgrave was chosen as the overall winner of REVIVE and was awarded a $1,500 prize package thanks to Sofitel Hotel, Hush Spa and The Shoe Clinic. Alex lost 17.4kg, 14% body fat and reduce her dimensions by 55cm; gained muscle tone and strength; but more importantly was completely dedicated to change through physical, mental and social reinvention. Orla Fitzpatrick, Malcolm Salter and Julie Bell were all awarded Alpine Health & Fitness memberships for significant achievements. Orla lost 33kg over eight months at Lakes Leisure - 20kg in the Bog Bods programme and 12kg in the REVIVE programme.

Haylee Roberts, Alex’s personal trainer from Southern Fitness said “Everyone who completed the REVIVE programme deserves to be rewarded not only for learning new exercise and nutrition patterns but also for implementing these changes across every aspect of their family, social and professional lives. Those who have children can also be commended for setting a great example to their children as well.”

“We seem to have identified a need within the community to give people the support and tools that they need to kick start not only weight loss but a permanent lifestyle change through improved nutrition and exercise regimes. Importantly, we also give them the confidence and understanding required to be able to continue their improved lifestyles under their own steam. We’ll definitely be running the REVIVE programme on an annual basis, in addition to our fully sponsored Big Bods programme,” Richie Heap said.

To learn more about the REVIVE programme, click here: