Budgeting Advice

Tuesday 17 January 2012, 1:55PM

By Wellington City Council



January can bring many things for many people - sunshine, holidays, a fresh outlook on the year ahead.

But January bills and bank statements can also be a stark reminder of how you might not have been living within your means.

There is help - there are many budgeting services around Wellington, and the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) is one such organisation that provides help.

Mary O'Regan, Area Manager of Wellington CAB, says this is the time where the reality of Christmas spending comes down heavily upon many Wellingtonians, "and this is not exactly the best way to start the New Year - up to your neck in debt".

"Our volunteers are ready to help. What may look like a huge problem might not look so bad once you have spoken to us. We listen to your concerns, and if you want help, there are specialist budget advisors to advise you every step of the way towards getting to a better financial situation."

Mary says this is also the time when many people go to CAB with consumer complaints.

"That faulty Christmas present and a poor consumer experience can really put a dampener on things for some families. Again, we have consumer advocates here that can help you to address your complaint in a safe, legal manner," says Mary.

The Central City CAB is on the mezzanine floor of the Central Library in Victoria Street.

There's no need to make an appointment - just pop in. Until the end of January, it is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am till 3.00pm. After that, it's back to the normal opening times:

  • Monday: 9.30am - 5.15pm
  • Tuesday to Thursday: 9.30am - 6.30pm
  • Friday: 9.30am - 3.30pm
  • Saturday: 11.00am - 1.00pm


Alternatively, you can phone (04) 472 2466 or email

There are also offices in Johnsonville, Karori, Aro Valley, Kilbirnie and Newtown where volunteers work closely with local community centres and organisations.

The CAB website is also a great source of information and particularly useful for people who can't get out and about easily. Go to the website to email your question or concern:

Citizens Advice Bureau website