Immigration policy changes helps NZ compete for skills in global marketplace

Thursday 25 October 2007, 4:41PM

By Auckland Chamber of Commerce



The announcement by Immigration Minister David Cunliffe this week that international students will be able to stay in New Zealand for up to 12 months, instead of six, on a job search permit while they look for skilled work, is further evidence the Government is actively taking measures to address the severe skills shortage, says Auckland Chamber of Commerce CEO Michael Barnett.

“It is also encouraging to see architecture and accounting graduates, who need three years’ practical experience to achieve professional registration, will be able to stay and will not need to reapply for a work permit. These along with other proposed changes to the definition of skilled employment and recognition of qualifications, will help us compete for the skills and talent we need in a skills hungry world marketplace.

“Students studying here will have the benefit of having lived in New Zealand whilst studying and learning about our way of life. They are exactly the type of skilled workers we need, and this will also help sell New Zealand as an education destination.

“The Chamber’s recent recruitment drive at the London Jobs Expo revealed just how many skilled people there are out there, keen to come and live and work in New Zealand. Those talented people already here and keen to work should be encouraged to stay, not have to go elsewhere looking for work. I applaud the Government’s ongoing immigration policy initiatives which will contribute to the country’s much needed economic transformation.” says Mr Barnett.