Sexy Products for Real Women

Friday 27 January 2012, 7:35PM

By Spice it Up


Spice it Up
Spice it Up Credit:

Spice It Up is an online deal a day site launched in December 2011 focused on selling products that make people feel, be or look sexy.

As the business starts to gather momentum, the partners are becoming increasingly focused on the range of products on offer. A core value of the business is providing various avenues for feedback from customers and it is through these modes of communication that the partners are developing their strategies for product range expansion, or consolidation.

Female models notoriously became thinner and thinner as the last century progressed, before getting to the point where Kate Moss or Twiggy-like models were the norm. However, a substantial amount of negative publicity resulted from this as the size zero debate raged – even then-US president Bill Clinton felt compelled to contribute to the debate. Firstly, there was the health aspect - concern began to grow about what the models were doing to themselves to maintain their extremely thin physiques, particularly the younger ones who may have been coerced into unhealthy habits. The other issue was the fact that the majority of consumers were not the same size as the thin models and were essentially being excluded from the potential market because of the lack of connection between consumer and product.

Spice It Up has been particularly focused on products that are suitable for ‘real’ women, i.e. women that fall into the sizes 8 to 14 range. These products include adult dress-up costumes, lingerie, sex toys and swimwear. Feedback received since the launch of the business has confirmed that they are on the right track and product manager Lisa Hazelden is pleased with the successful launch of the business, especially the interest in the plus size product range. “We were always conscious of the need to cater for real women. We realise that there is a big market out there for this and also feel that it is important for woman of all sizes to have the opportunity to make themselves feel, be or look sexy for themselves or for their partner. The online chat forum, and email service has proved invaluable in terms of allowing us to really get to know our clients and find out what they like, what they want, and what we could do better. We will continue to ensure that customer service remains integral to our core values and I believe we will be much better because of that focus.”

Be sure to keep an eye out on the website for the new range of products later in 2012. Women of all sizes will be pleasantly surprised as plus size items will continue to be a key focus moving forward.