Hop on your bike! February is Bike Wise month

Wednesday 1 February 2012, 2:09PM

By Bay of Plenty Regional Council


Cyclists of all ages
Cyclists of all ages Credit: Bay of Plenty Regional Council


Bike Wise month is about to hit the streets!

During February, people across the nation will be jumping on their bikes to have some fun and take part in active transport. Hop on your bike too and get involved in some of the events and activities being held across the Bay of Plenty.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council is encouraging you to participate in Bike Wise month which is New Zealand's national programme of activities that promote cycling as a fun, healthy and safe way to travel. Bay of Plenty Regional Council is supporting the regional events coordinated across Tauranga, Rotorua and Whakatāne.

Regional Council Transport Policy Manager Garry Maloney said the benefits of cycling were huge, both personally and for the community.

"From improved personal health and reduced stress to saving money and caring for the environment, choosing a sustainable option to get around is a win-win option," Mr Maloney said.

"Bike Wise month is a great opportunity to encourage more people to give cycling a go. A range of Bike Wise events are being organised for all ages and abilities so the whole family can get involved," Mr Maloney said.

Bike Wise 2012 begins this Wednesday 1 February with hundreds of commuters throughout the Bay of Plenty enjoying the benefits of cycling to and from work with the MoreFM Go By Bike Day in Tauranga and Rotorua, and the Mayoral Challenge in Whakatane.

"There is a great range of events this year from Frocks on Bikes and Tykes on Trikes to mountain bike rides, BMX demonstrations, bike maintenance workshops and the Bike Wise Challenge," Mr Maloney said.

"I urge everyone to get behind Bike Wise month and support sustainable transport options. The Bay of Plenty region has a beautiful landscape and climate to get into cycling so why not give it a go."

Grab an events calendar from your local bike shop, library or Sport Bay of Plenty office or go online to to find out what events are happening throughout February in the Bay of Plenty and register for the Bike Wise challenge.