Council disappointed at NZ Transport Agency Withdrawal of Driving Tests in Kaipara

Friday 10 February 2012, 4:49PM

By Kaipara District Council


The Kaipara District Council is disappointed that the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) has made the decision to withdraw restricted and full practical driving licence tests for Class 1 driver licences from Dargaville. At its meeting late last month the Council resolved to do all it could to see driver licence testing returned to Dargaville.

“This is a political decision. It is centralisation gone mad. Our young drivers will be driving in and around the Kaipara on gravel roads not down Queen Street. It should be local solutions to local conditions which are what local government is all about” said Deputy Mayor Julie Geange. “Anyone who has driven on a gravel road for the first time will tell you it’s an interesting experience and completely different from driving on a tar-sealed road.”

The Council will continue to lobby the politicians in an effort to have driver vehicle testing returned to Dargaville and the Kaipara. If you want to add your voice to these efforts please contact your local Members of Parliament: Mike Sabine on 09 407 7219 or and Hone Harawira on 0800 865 3728 or Tell them what you are telling us and let’s see if we can’t get this service returned to where it belongs – locally.