Commonsense steps to preventing burglaries at home

Monday 27 February 2012, 1:11PM

By New Zealand Police



Rotorua Police are asking local residents to take some common sense steps to keep their properties and belongings safe and prevent crime in their local communities.

Rotorua Area Commander, Inspector Bruce Horne, says there has been a spate of recent burglaries in which valuables have been taken while residents were at home.

"We have had several cases recently where valuables have been taken from houses while residents were actually home, but while they were in their gardens or garages and their doors were unlocked or windows open.

"Everyone should have the right to feel safe in their own home, but there are some common sense steps that people can take to keep their belongings safe and reduce their chances of becoming a burglary victim.

"If you are going into the garden or elsewhere on your property, even if it is just for a short period of time, please make sure your doors and windows are locked.

"Don't leave valuables in plain sight of windows – make sure they are put away somewhere secure and safe. If you have recently purchased new electrical appliances, don't leave the packaging on the doorstep or footpath where people can see it.

"If your car is parked outside your house or in your driveway, please lock it and take valuables with you. And if you are going away, please make sure a neighbour is collecting your mail and keeping an eye on your house."

Inspector Horne is also asking members of the public to contact Police if they are suspicious about groups or people they don't recognise 'hanging around' in their neighbourhood.

"If you have concerns about suspicious people or activity, please do not hesitate to contact Police immediately on 111 or at the Rotorua Station on 07 348 0099. We have a much higher chance of preventing crime or apprehending offenders if we know about suspicious behaviour sooner rather than later."

Inspector Horne says Rotorua Police would particularly like to hear from members of the public about groups of young people who may meet in neighbourhoods where they don't live.

"If you don't recognise people who are wandering around in your neighbourhood, please call us."