Submissions Pour in on Draft Long-Term Plan

Wednesday 4 April 2012, 6:00PM

By New Plymouth District Council



Just a week into public consultation New Plymouth District Council has already received 150 submissions on its Draft Long-Term Plan 2012-2022 (LTP).

“It’s an encouraging start,” says Mayor Harry Duynhoven. “But there’s still more than three weeks until submissions close on 30 April so we’re hoping to receive many more submissions.”

Just over half the submissions have come through the council’s LTP webpage at, a much higher proportion than for previous annual and long-term plans. The rest have come on the submission form included in both the full draft plan and the summary booklet delivered in last week’s North Taranaki Midweek.

In addition, the Council is running a Facebook poll on a proposed new refuse collection/recycling service, with further polls to follow on other key draft plan proposals.

Mayor Harry adds: “More people are going online to give us their feedback. It’s a quick and easy option and saves the bother of posting or delivering your submission to the Council.

“But we’re happy to take submissions in all manner of ways, whether it’s email, phone, fax, web or good old fashioned post – we just want the submissions to keep flowing so we have a good idea of the wider public viewpoint before we finalise the plan in June.”

Related link
Draft Long-Term Plan 2012-2022