Riders and Sliders Programme proving popular with local youth

Tuesday 10 April 2012, 5:20PM

By EveNZ


Treble Cone’s dedicated weekend youth programme has tripled in participant numbers since 2009 attracting young local skiers and boarders wanting to advance their mountain skills and take advantage of the free youth season pass for everyone who signs up.

Enrolment for the 2012 Riders and Sliders six-week Sunday programme is underway with a high take up from local children expected. The course is designed for youngsters who want to explore Treble Cone’s terrain, enhance their skiing and riding and learn new mountain skills in groups of similar age and ability under the expert guidance of Treble Cone instructors.

Manager of Treble Cone Snowsports School, Klaus Mair, believes the Riders and Sliders Programme is proving popular because it offers a fun and sociable learning environment. “The children have a blast ripping around the mountain, progressing and having fun with their friends. It is great to see the local communities embracing snow sports and getting involved. Plus, it also gives the parents a few free hours to go for a ski themselves.”

The programme starts on Sunday 22 July and offers six four-hour lessons for children from four to 12 years old, each group has the same instructor every Sunday. The course costs $340 and includes a free youth season pass. Bookings need to be made prior to 31 May 2012.

Once children progress from the Sliders and Riders programme, they advance to the Treble Cone Free Ski Programme or the popular School Holiday Free Ski Camps. 

Treble Cone will open on 28 June with a scheduled closing day of 30 September. For further information, visit