Holocaust Centre an Asset for all New Zealand

Friday 20 April 2012, 5:33PM

By Wellington City Council



Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown has welcomed the opening of the new premises of the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand, saying all New Zealand school children should visit it as part of their curriculum.

Mayor Wade-Brown attended the opening of the new premises on Webb Street in Central Wellington last night, Thursday 19 April, on the Day of Holocaust Remembrance Yom Hashoah with the exhibition The Deckston Children. Israeli and European diplomats also took part in the function.

The Deckston Children were Jewish children brought to New Zealand through the actions of Annie and Max Deckston and were brought up in the Wellington suburb of Berhampore.

"The Holocaust Centre is an asset for all New Zealanders to reflect on the importance of harmony, diversity, resilience and survival," said Mayor Wade-Brown.

"The story of the Deckston Children and the future exhibitions are an education in humanity's extremes - both good and bad. The Centre's contribution to understanding and overcoming racial prejudice, hatred and oppression is important.

"The Holocaust Centre is potentially the catalyst for all New Zealand schoolchildren to visit the Capital as part of their curriculum.

"This Centre joins Parliament, Te Papa, the National Plant Museum, the original Treaty of Waitangi and many other national institutions that tell the story of Aotearoa New Zealand's people and our place in the world."

Mayor Wade-Brown congratulated Inge Woolf and her team at the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand for their dedication to bring the Centre to reality.

"The tireless efforts of Inge, the Jewish Community and all the supporters of the Centre has created this wonderful facility, which will leave a lasting legacy for the education of all New Zealanders," she said.