2012-22 Draft Long Term Plan and 45 South Television

Tuesday 1 May 2012, 5:22PM

By Waitaki District Council


Waitaki residents will have an opportunity to take part in a live, televised discussion with Councillors on the draft 2012-22 long term plan, this Friday, 4 May.

The session will be televised from 7:30pm onwards on 45 South Television and will provide an opportunity for people to discuss the services Council proposes to deliver over the next ten years.

Council’s Policy Manager, Fraser Liggett, said this year’s draft 2012-22 long term plan has already created a good degree of interest within the community, having been prepared in an environment of continued global uncertainty, reduced government spending, investment and subsides and increased costs, particularly for insurance.

These changes had added 4.9% to next year’s proposed 7.4% average District wide rates increase.

“Friday’s session will provide an exciting opportunity for residents to take part in a live televised discussion on the draft long term plan. This represents another way for people to feedback on the draft plan before Council makes its final decision later in June. Even if people can’t make it to 45 South on Friday night we hope they will have an opportunity to learn more about the draft long term plan from the comfort of their home, and if they wish, make a submission before consultation finishes on 11 May”.

Mr Liggett said anyone wanting to take part in the televised session should meet at the 45 South Television Building, Star and Garter Hotel Building, 17 Itchen Street, Oamaru by 7:00pm, on 4 May.

The broadcast will commence at 7:30pm. This will be live on 45 South’s analogue service only on channel 41, and will be repeated on their digital Channel 34 on Saturday 5 May at 7pm.

“This session is open to all residents. 45 South is broad cast to over most households in Oamaru, so we believe this is a unique opportunity for everyone to get on air”.

For further information please contact:
Tony Reynolds
45 South Television
Phone: 027 657 8283