Lyttelton and Sydenham Draft Master Plans to proceed to the next stage

Thursday 3 May 2012, 5:37PM

By Christchurch City Council



Draft Master Plans for the recovery and rebuilding of Lyttelton and Sydenham are one step closer to final sign-off by Christchurch City Council after today’s Council decision that hearings will not be necessary for submissions received from the public consultation.

The Council supports community board recommendations that they are comfortable with the level of community involvement in the development of the Draft Master Plans and that these communities have given the Council clear direction about the options and actions in the plans.

Programme Manager, Healthy Environment Jenny Ridgen says the decision reflects a high level of community support for the plans. It will enable Council staff to make amendments to the Lyttelton and Sydenham Draft Master Plans in line with public submissions and staff suggestions. This will allow a swift turn around for getting these master plans back before the Council for final sign-off.

“Community leaders, property and business owners and local residents have been instrumental in developing the Draft Master Plans, and also provided invaluable feedback through the consultation process. The Council has used this feedback to identify amendments to the Draft Master Plans that will ensure good outcomes and help build investor and community confidence in these areas.

“Discussions with communities will be ongoing and there will be further opportunities for people to be involved in the rebuild and recovery of their suburban centres as implementation of the projects rolls out. Implementation will involve the usual Council public consultative channels for proposed work such as street enhancements,” she says.

The Draft Master Plans were available for public comment from the 19 November to 19 December 2011. Lyttelton received 197 submissions, 70 of these submitters indicated they wanted to be heard if there was an opportunity. Sydenham received 43 submissions, of which 17 submitters indicated that they would like to be heard if the opportunity was provided.