Dunedin Police Keep the Pressure on Criminal Gangs

Tuesday 8 May 2012, 3:29PM

By New Zealand Police



Dunedin Police are continuing their pressure on gang activity connected with the illegal drugs trade, with the arrest today of 10 people across the country on cannabis dealing and criminal breaches of trust charges.

The arrests come following a four-month investigation into the activities of the Dunedin Mongrel Mob Notorious Gang by the Dunedin Police Organised Crime Squad.

As part of the investigation Dunedin Police identified a significant quantity of cannabis, of which nearly 18 pounds with a potential street value of up to $98,000 has been seized.

Police today executed 15 search warrants in Dunedin, Blackball near Greymouth, Wellington and Ashburton.

Five of the men arrested are from Dunedin, four from the West Coast and another from West Otago.

Four of those arrested have been charged with criminal breaches of trust. These alleged offences relate to the misuse of $20,000 from a charitable trust linked to government funding.

The men all face joint charges of conspiracy to supply cannabis and possession of cannabis for supply. One West Coast man is also facing cultivation of cannabis charges.

Two of the Dunedin men also face charges relating to perverting the course of justice.

Southern District Crime Services Manager Detective Inspector Steve McGregor said:

"The arrests today demonstrate the commitment and tenacity of Dunedin Police, in particular the Dunedin Organised Crime Squad, in bringing to account people who participate in criminal drug-related activities that contribute to significant harm in our communities."

"Southern Police will continue to keep the pressure on to disrupt and combat the activity of gangs and organised criminals."

Detective Inspector McGregor praised the ongoing good work of the Dunedin Organised Crime Squad and the staff who supported the investigation.

"This investigation has been about coming down hard and targeting the criminal element in our communities. It highlights that our local police are dedicated to reducing the negative impact that the activities of organised criminals have on our communities."

The men arrested are due to appear in the Dunedin and Greymouth District Courts today.

The four-month investigation by Dunedin Police comes on the back of a significant operation targeting illegal drug supply into Queenstown, which wound up at the end of last month. This investigation saw five people arrested on drug charges and uncovered a clan lab in West Auckland which was a key source of methamphetamine supply into Queenstown.

Over the 2011-12 cannabis growing season, Southern District Police have been proactively targeting the illegal trade in cannabis and have located to date in excess of 500 cannabis plants across Southland and Otago.